While I’m at it, let me talk about why I am really starting to love all three of the UK covers. You see, Mercy is in a different body in every book. She changes, both physically and mentally, and becomes a whole new character (albeit, with a certain something that makes her Mercy). So while it makes sense for the covers to be similar, it is also rather important that the cover images be very different. So even though I am not a big fan of the Exile cover, I like how the publishers have kept the same gorgeous font on dramatically different images. Take a look:
However, I still really like the Australian covers for this book. There’s a certain otherworldly elegance to them that I just can’t get enough of:
Needless to say, I cannot wait for Exile to come out – May 1st in Australia, June 9th in the UK! I’m also very very happy that I don’t have to wait an age for Muse to come out, as it is supposed to be released at the end of this summer. I think this will be one of those series I buy multiple copies of!
(P.S. Notice how I didn’t rant and rave about the hideousness that is the US cover? That’s how you know I’m in a good mood today.)
ETA: So, there is definitely going to be a fourth book in this series: Fury. Which, according to HarperCollins UK, won’t be out until June 2012. Aaages from now. But still, a fourth book! Yay!
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Now, I haven’t read any of these books, but that cover is simply gorgeous, and makes me want to pick it up and at least give it a chance!
I really like these covers!!! Beautiful….
*New Follower* Love your site design! The colors are great 🙂
Inklings Read
Gorgeous cover! Makes me want to get reading the series!
I agree with you on the US cover. You showed some restraint! lol!
The US gets covers wrong a lot. But I’m not their target audience – I’m foreign scum 😉
Lovely cover! I really like it!
I LOVE IT. I need to read Mercy ASAP. I have serious cover lust now!
I think there’s one more book and it’s going to be called Fury according to the Mercy facebook page, love the UK Muse cover