Charlie Brown ComicIn this weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss what we’ve been reading this week (and, occasionally, what we haven’t).
I had a stellar reading week!  I don’t think I’ve ever read this many books in a single week.  I think the lack of exams and the end of the television season gave me more free time than expected!
Currently Reading:
  • The Hollow by Jessica Verday – I have had this on my shelf for ages now, but the Wicked Pretty Things scandal made me finally pick it up.  I really want to like it because the author is awesome, but I am nervous that I won’t!  We’ll see…
Finished this week:
  • Night Life by Caitlin Kittredge – Fantastic UF!  This had been sitting on my shelf for over a year, and boy am I glad that I finally got round to it.  Check out my review here.
  • Exile by Rebecca Lim – Really loved this book!  Not quite as fierce as Mercy, but still wonderful and ethereal and just… guh.  Read it in a single day.
  • Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough – Is there a nice way to say mediocre?
  • Pride by Rachel Vincent – I am so glad I pushed myself through the first two books in this series, because Pride was fierce.  Really enjoyed it.
Up next from the TBR Pile:
  • I have been thoroughly intimidated by the 800 page size of Game of Thrones, so I think I will wait for the weather to cool down before I start on that series. I kinda feel like revisiting some UF series I’ve neglected, and think I will start The Touch of Twilight by Vicki Pettersson next.  I was less than impressed by the second novel in her Zodiac series, but maybe the third will be as great as the first was…
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