It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Shelf Analysis – mostly because no YA cover trends have really stuck out for me. But while perusing my 2013 shelf on goodreads, I noticed something somewhat usual… typography!

To those of you who are a bit confused by the term, typography is basically the art of aranging types to make things look gorgeous. To put that in book cover terms: covers where the focus is on the print of the title or the author’s name, rather than an image.

Take a look at these upcoming YA books (this is a bit of a Waiting on Wednesday post, as well!) and you’ll see what I mean!

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis
Out on September 10th 2013 by Katherine Tegen Books – goodreads

Black Out by Robison Wells 
Out on October 1st 2013 by Harper Teen – goodreads
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Out on September 10th 2013 by Harper Teen – goodreads

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke
Out on August 15th 2013 by Dial – goodreads
In The After by Demitria Lunetta
Out on June 25th 2013 by Harper Teen – goodreads
Snow White Must Die by Neil Neuhaus
Only out in Australia, I’m afraid! *cries* – goodreads
Typography-focused covers are by no means a new thing, but it is rather unusual to see them in YA novels. My favourites are the covers of Not a Drop to Drink and Snow White Must Die – absolutely stunning! I have no idea when or why these covers came back into fashion, but I fully approve!
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