2014 resolutions

Another year, another set of bookish resolutions. I must say, I did rather well with my 2013 resolutions: I changed over to wordpress, completed the vast majority of my bookish challenges, and even read a lot of favourites. Let’s hope 2014 goes just as well!

1. Read more adult fiction

2013 was my year for YA. And while I adore the genre, I feel like I’ve been really neglecting my urban fantasy shelves. I KNOW this is because I am tempted by the quicker YA reads… but I need to think beyond that! I am missing out on lots of amazing books which, when they are good, take just as “long” to read as YA.


2. Find a Blog Layout I LOVE

Ever since moving to wordpress, I’ve become very fickle with my blog design. I have yet to come up with a layout that I absolutely adore and it is bugging the bejeezus out of me. I have another new one in mind that may work… maybe? Gosh I hope so. Changing layouts is so much work!

3. Keep better track of my series

I read and own a whole tonne of series – so many, that I am starting to get rather confused about which ones I own and which I don’t! So, I have a super-top-secret project in the works to help me keep track… more on that soon!

4. Read some more out-of-my-comfort-zone books

I have shelves and shelves of wonderful novels purchased prior to blogging – most of them literary fiction, non-fiction and classics – that have been neglected since I found my favourite genres. I want to try to read at least ONE of them this year!

5. Finish my bloody goodreads challenge!

Another year has passed without me completing my goodreads challenge… never again!!

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