Another year, another set of bookish resolutions. I must say, I did rather well with my 2013 resolutions: I changed over to wordpress, completed the vast majority of my bookish challenges, and even read a lot of favourites. Let’s hope 2014 goes just as well!
1. Read more adult fiction
2013 was my year for YA. And while I adore the genre, I feel like I’ve been really neglecting my urban fantasy shelves. I KNOW this is because I am tempted by the quicker YA reads… but I need to think beyond that! I am missing out on lots of amazing books which, when they are good, take just as “long” to read as YA.
2. Find a Blog Layout I LOVE
Ever since moving to wordpress, I’ve become very fickle with my blog design. I have yet to come up with a layout that I absolutely adore and it is bugging the bejeezus out of me. I have another new one in mind that may work… maybe? Gosh I hope so. Changing layouts is so much work!
3. Keep better track of my series
I read and own a whole tonne of series – so many, that I am starting to get rather confused about which ones I own and which I don’t! So, I have a super-top-secret project in the works to help me keep track… more on that soon!
4. Read some more out-of-my-comfort-zone books
I have shelves and shelves of wonderful novels purchased prior to blogging – most of them literary fiction, non-fiction and classics – that have been neglected since I found my favourite genres. I want to try to read at least ONE of them this year!
5. Finish my bloody goodreads challenge!
Another year has passed without me completing my goodreads challenge… never again!!
- Top 10 Books of 2015 - January 6, 2016
- Image comic-book-buying madness - December 3, 2015
- Review: Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews - November 22, 2015
I also plan to distance myself from YA stuff this year. Not entirely, because there are some good YA novels that I’m looking forward to, but I’ve noticed a tendancy to fall back on YA when I need some quick read to fill in my time or when I don’t feel like putting too much effort into my reading, and not only does that do the genre a disservice, it also ends up distracting me from more adult novels that I’d actually rather be reading.
And I also want to finish a few of the series that I’ve started over the years. There are so many of them, and it feels wrong to let them go unfinished when I’ve started down the road.
Here’s to a great 2014 for us both!
Bibliotropic recently posted…[Contest] 4 Years of Blogging
Isn’t silly how we both assume YA will be quick reads? When an adult book is good, it goes SO quickly! Also, you’re right: YA deserves attention for being itself – not for being “quick and easy”
Good luck to you to this year – happy reading!
Kay recently posted…January TBR {2014}
Good luck with all your resolutions and challenges. I want to read a few more adult books as well – I’m aiming for one a month!
Jenny recently posted…Stella Blog Tour: Helen Eve’s Dream Cast!