ReadathonIt’s readathon season!! WhooHooo!!! I have been looking forward to this all month and cannot wait to get started.

Once again, I am going to be hosting the Show It Off! challenge at Hour 8 – so stay tuned for that! The books I am showing off this year are both recent acquisitions, so I am rather excited to share.

What’cha reading?

I am going for a completely different approach this year, focussing on one long novel I have been putting off completing for years and… graphic novels!

I started reading A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin way back before Season 2 of the series had even aired. Unfortunately… I got stuck. At page 728, if my bookmark is correct. Well, I plan to finish this tome today! I am only 300 or so pages to the end, so completion is feasible!

Y’all have probably noticed that I have really gotten into comic books these past few months, so it made sense to add a few to my pile for when Clash of Kings gets a bit too dense. I’ve got some well-loved favourites in my sack, namely the first volumes of Saga and Y: The Last Man as well as Joss Whedon’s Fray and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. In case I really want something different, I’ve also got an anthology: Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells. I picked up this Ellen Datlow anthology at BEA last year and think it is a good volume to try some different authors from.


Opening Questions

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

La France!

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

Hmm… I am not sure. Probably most eager to complete Clash of Kings – if only so that I can start on the next book!

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

ALL MY TEAS. I don’t get much of a chance to brew tea during the week (too much work!) and so this will be a chance for me to try some of those odd teas I’ve had sitting in my cupboard.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

Oh, hello. I’m Kay – I read fantasy and YA and Sci-Fi and other awesome, awesome books. I’ve been blogging about books since 2009 and it totally changed how I view books and publishers and the whole she-bang. This is my 4th time participating in Dewey’s readathon and I will be hosting a challenge at Hour 8!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

I wasn’t able to do the Spring readathon *sad face* and last took part in October 2013. This year I am taking a completely different approach for the readathon (all explained above!).

End of Event Meme

1) Which hour was most daunting for you?

Hour 8, just as my challenge was about to start! There were so many things that could go wrong….

2) Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?

Go with Graphic Novels – Saga was a great readathon pick this year!

3) What were the names of the books you read? Which book did you enjoy most?

Clash of Kings and Saga – I was surprised how much I loved getting back into the GoT universe!

4) How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?

100%! Cannot wait for the next readathon! Hope to host a challenge again:)


Hour 1: Lunch has been had, and I have a masala chai in hand. Starting off with Clash of kings!

Hour 3: I needed appropriate Game of Thrones music while reading, so turned to 8tracks. Love this Arya Stark mix!

Hour 4: Clash of Kings is dragging a bit – although maybe that’s just my lack of chocolate talking. May start in on Saga instead…
Pages read:  72

Hour 6: I am a fair ways through Saga (love it) but think I shall be returning to Clash of Kings. Reaaaallly want to finish that during the readathon!

Hour 8: My Show it off challenge is getting some fantastic responses this year! It’s distracted me from my books but it’s the best kind of distraction 🙂


Coffee or Tea? Challenge at Fig and Thistle


(My third cuppa) #TeamCSLewis #readathon

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Don’t get me wrong: I like a latte in the morning. Vanilla Soya Extra-hot Grande, if I can get to a Starbucks – and an espresso with milk if I cannot. But tea is my comfort drink. There is nothing a cuppa cannot fix – I guess I am just very British that way. #TeamCSLewis

Quotable Quotes Challenge at Breathes Books


There are gods, she told herself, and there are true knights too. All the stories can’t be lies.” Sansa, A Clash of Kings p. 757


Name-your-readathon Challenge at The Geeky Blogger

2014-10-18_1413653109Name your #readathon challenge! Mine is rather epic…. The Last Clash of Knight Saga!  

Book Tower Challenge at thesmalltownlookbook


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