Did you see the massive IMAGE COMICS sale? Because I sure did! And… I made have gone a little cray-cray.

But whatever – it is hard NOT to buy comics from IMAGE, for many reasons. Here, I made a list:

  1. They are creator owned. In other words, the money flow is more direct and the rights stay with the creators.
  2. You get a DRM-free file!! Image even puts a “save to dropbox” button right by your comic book after you’ve bought it! Just, wow… I wish every publisher did that!
  3. If you buy straight from their website, you can avoid comixology (aka Amazon!). Huzzah!!

Anyhow, here’s what I got:

No idea how much I’m going to enjoy these, though they all have great reviews and great creators. Oh, but I have read the first issue of PAPER GIRLS and OMG. It is SO GOOD you guuuuuuuys! DON’T WAIT FOR THE TRADE – GET IT NOW!

Anyhow: great books, Image Comics!


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