by Kay | Dec 3, 2015 | Book Haul, Comic Books |
Did you see the massive IMAGE COMICS sale? Because I sure did! And… I made have gone a little cray-cray.
But whatever – it is hard NOT to buy comics from IMAGE, for many reasons. Here, I made a list:
- They are creator owned. In other words, the money flow is more direct and the rights stay with the creators.
- You get a DRM-free file!! Image even puts a “save to dropbox” button right by your comic book after you’ve bought it! Just, wow… I wish every publisher did that!
- If you buy straight from their website, you can avoid comixology (aka Amazon!). Huzzah!!
Anyhow, here’s what I got:
No idea how much I’m going to enjoy these, though they all have great reviews and great creators. Oh, but I have read the first issue of PAPER GIRLS and OMG. It is SO GOOD you guuuuuuuys! DON’T WAIT FOR THE TRADE – GET IT NOW!
Anyhow: great books, Image Comics!

by Kay | Nov 18, 2015 | Book Haul |
Twice a year, the English Library has a massive, huge, gigantic book sale. It’s the talk of the town for at least a week, as very very little happens in Switzerland.
This year, I managed not only to: 1) align the stars in order to be in town for the sale, 2) remembered the sale early enough to invite people to join me! We held our ground and fought the crowds – and we all came back with bags of books.
I tried not to go too crazy, though, and only picked up books I knew I was going to read:
- Living with Books by Alan Powers – This coffee table book is so friggin perfect. It is basically just pages and pages of photographs of book shelves. Very meta.
- Blood Red Road by Moira Young – I’ve had this on my wishlist since before it came out… but I think the series is over now? Whatever. I hope it is great!
- Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson – I’ll be honest: I don’t really want to read this book. I know it is extremely important and essential, but… I don’t know if I will be able to handle it. I do, however, want to try. Some day.
- The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien – I love this super retro edition. Wait, maybe I shouldn’t call it retro, as it is a first printing from the 70s. 🙂
- Run by Ann Patchett – I love, love this book and didn’t have it in hardcover. I am especially happy to find this particular cover, as the UK cover is horribly white-washed.
Anyhow, there you have it. A quick peak at the books that have recently joined my shelves. Any recommendations about where to start?
by Kay | Aug 1, 2015 | Book Haul |
Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been extremely busy these past few months – busy in a way I really have never been before. So, of course, my reading pace has taken a nose-dive and, with it, my book-purchasing rate. So much so that Book Depository sent me a 10% off code to say “come baaaaaaaack!”.
Geez okay okay. I get the point. Take my money.

The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things by Ann Aguirre (goodreads)
I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this, but I’ll say it again: Ann Aguirre is one of my auto-buy authors. She’s amazing, fantastic, brilliant and other superlatives. I couldn’t care less what the synopsis is, it goes into the basket.
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee (goodreads)
Eon by Alison Goodman (goodreads)
I bought Eona yeaaaaars ago (it was on sale) and obviously was never able to read it as I was missing a key element. Now I can (at last) find out what all the hype is about!
End of Days by Susan Ee (goodreads)
I can’t believe this series is coming to an end. I remember when this was a self-published phenomena that I never imagined seeing on the shelves – and, of course, when I had the chance to meet Susan back when the second book came out (she is amazing, y’all). In short: a lot of memories and a lot of mixed feelings about the end.

Deadly Class Volume 2 by Rick Remender (goodreads)
I read and enjoyed Volume 1 last year – gorgeous art and super, super dark. Excited to see where this goes…
The Fade Out Volume 1 by Ed Brubaker (goodreads)
I bought the first issue of this comic last year and immediately thought “this needs to be read in a trade paperback”. I bought no further issues and have been NOT PATIENTLY waiting for this release. 🙂
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson (goodreads)
Oh come on. Of course I got this. It is all the 21st century girls-being-awesome that I love about the internet – only with swords.
That’s all folks! Let me know if you have a recommendation out of this haul – need to know what to start with!
by Kay | Mar 14, 2015 | Book Haul |
Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.

Getting books in the mail is always a joy – even when you bought them yourself, they feel a bit like getting a gift. Here’s what I’ve received recently (one of which is already on my “currently-reading” shelf!):
- Fairest by Marissa Meyer – Of course I bought this! I really liked Cinder, absolutely adored Scarlet, and loved Cress.
- The Boy with the Porcelain Blade and The Boy who Wept Blood by Den Patrick – I received these two for review and was really interested in the idea of a world where people with disfigurements or disabilities are placed in high social positions. I am not too far into the first book (Porcelain Blade) but am enjoying it so far.
If you’ve read any of these, let me know what you thought!
by Kay | Feb 8, 2015 | Book Haul |
Who doesn’t love a Better World Books sale? Here’s what I nabbed during the recent one – all lovely US hardcovers!

Aren’t they lovely? All of them have been on my wishlist for ages and at last they are mine! Which do you think I should start first?
by Kay | Jan 25, 2015 | Book Haul |
I put in my first (of many) orders on Wordery this month, and they arrived this week. Here they are a-la Stacking the Shelves/Mailbox Monday!

- Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells – I should have bought this when it came out last year! But hey, better late than never. I adored the first 4 books in Wells’ Sabina Kane series, and hope she delivers the same awesome humour in this book.
- Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre – Remember how I said Aguirre was an auto-buy? Well, voila. That being said, this book sounds great even without her name attached. Fierce, dangerous and fun.

- Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf – Volume 1 – My very first graphic novel was a Patricia Briggs adaptation and I have come a loooong way since then (in terms of being a GN reader!). Hope the adaptation holds up to a more “trained” eye.
Wordery – an independent UK-based site that offers free international shipping and is a great alternative to Amazon. This was my first time shopping with them, and I was very happy with everything. The books were sent out individually – so no waiting for them to be packaged together – and 2/3 came in cardboard packaging. I much prefer that, as it is easier to recycle and better for the planet. Wordery currently has 10% off everything online, so head on over while that is going on!
For the record: this is NOT a sponsored post. I bought these books myself and was never contacted by wordery to feature them. I just wanted to spread the word about an Amazon alternative, what with BookDepository having sold its soul 🙁