Wordy Wednesday: Only the Good Spy Young

"Covert Operations Report: The Operatives utilized a basic Trojan horse scenario. If, instead of a horse, you substitute a 1987 Dodge Minivan." - Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter

“Covert Operations Report: The Operatives utilized a basic Trojan horse scenario. If, instead of a horse, you substitute a 1987 Dodge Minivan.”
Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter

Wordy Wednesday: Game of Thrones

  "I belong with my brother." Jon Snow, Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

“I belong with my brother.”
Jon Snow, Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

Wordy Wednesday: HP and the Deathly Hallows

"After all this time?" "Always," said Snape Chapter 33 "Prince's Tale" - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

“After all this time?”
“Always,” said Snape
Chapter 33 “Prince’s Tale” – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows