by Kay | Apr 18, 2011 | Weekly Feature |
In this weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss what we’ve been reading this week (and, occasionally, what we haven’t).
Currently reading:
- Moloka’i by Alan Brennert – Was back in 2007, I read Wendy’s review (Musings of a Bookish Kitty) of this book and added it to my wishlist. In 2009, I stumbled upon it in a second-hand store. And now, four years later, I’ve finally started it! I’m only two chapters in but it is beautiful so far. I went to Hawaii over the Christmas holidays, so a lot of the areas Brennert describes are still fresh in my mind.
Finished this week:
- Beauty by Robin McKinley – Lovely book. Expect a review in the next few weeks.
- Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward – God, this was terrible. Epically terrible. I am starting to dread the rest of the series now…
- The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong – I read this one in a day and LOVED IT. It’s not quite as fantabulous as her Darkest Powers series, but it is still really really really amazing. And, GOD, I had some many questions by the end of it! I cannot believe we have to wait a whole year for the next book! Gahhh!
by Kay | Apr 11, 2011 | Weekly Feature |
It’s Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss our week of reading!
Currently reading:
- Beauty by Robin McKinley – I adore the Beauty and the Beast tale, so I thought this would be a fantastic introduction to Robin McKinley’s books. Only about 20-odd pages in so far, but really enjoying it.
- Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward – Oh dear lord, when will this book end. I am just making myself get through this in order to read the sequels. Geh.
Finished this week:
- Blood Promise by Richelle Mead – Oh. This. Series. I stayed up until about 5am finishing this thing off, and don’t regret a minute of it.
Reviewed this week:
- Hexbound by Chloe Neill – Disappointing but I hold out hope for the rest of the series.
- Soulless by Gail Carriger – This book was like a cotton-candy crumpet. Fabulous, tongue-in-cheek and lovely.
C’est tout!
by Kay | Apr 4, 2011 | Weekly Feature |

Currently reading:
- Blood Promise by Richelle Mead – Oh, dearest Vampire Academy. I put this book off for so long because I knew it would friggin’ hurt. Richelle Mead sure knows how to shatter a girl’s heart… it’s fabulous.
- Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward – Good, but not fantastic. There are just too many plot lines going on at once – it seems as though they each need their own separate book!
Finished over the last 3 weeks:
- Enclave by Ann Aguirre – Love Love LOVED this book. Ann Aguirre is a ROCK STAR.
- Hexbound by Chloe Neill – Disappointing sequel to Firespell, but not entirely without merit. Expect a review of this one on Tuesday.
- Soulless by Gail Carriger – This book was like a cotton-candy crumpet. Fabulous, tongue-in-cheek and lovely. So glad I listened to Jenny (Wondrous Reads) and got a copy!
- The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney – Loved the first 1/3… but it went rather downhill from there. Still, I shall certainly be reading the sequel.
Up next from the TBR pile:
Reviews I need to write!
- Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
- Night Shift by Lilith Saintcrow
- Sea Change by Aimee Friedman
- Wake by Lisa McMann
by Kay | Mar 14, 2011 | Weekly Feature |
It’s Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss our week of reading!
Currently reading:
- Wake by Lisa McMann – OMG why did I wait so long to read this series? I am only 50 or so pages in, and am in love. This woman can really, really write. If I order the rest of the series before I finish the first book, would that be considered bad form?
Finished this week:
- Sea Change by Aimee Friedman – Read this in a day and loved it. The deep south setting, the scientist!heroine, and the page-turning mystery have made me want to run out and buy all Friedman’s books!
- Night Shift by Lilith Saintcrow – Jill Kismet is the poster gal for screwed-up UF heroines. Great writing, but not as fantastic as it could have been.
- Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes – Despite the bland romance, this book really turned it up by the end – some fantastic twists which made me not want to put the book down! Not to mention Callum (oh, Callum ♥) stole my heart.
Reviewed this week:
Up next from the TBR pile:
by Kay | Feb 28, 2011 | Weekly Feature |

It’s Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss our week of reading!
I am still abroad and have started to miss the book-buying madness of last year. I am actually starting to think that my book buying habits are related to my reading habits – as whenever I am dragged off to a country lacking book stores, I find myself struggling to finish books. That is weird, right?
Currently reading:
- Night Shift by Lilith Saintcrow – I am really starting to love Jill Kismet. If you like your heroines tough and screwed up, she’s the gal for you.
- Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes – I am slowly starting to enjoy this book. Although I find the romance in it rather bland.
- Green-eyed Demon by Jaye Wells – Yet again, I am stunned that I haven’t finished this and completely blame the ebook format.

Finished this week:
- Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife by Sam Savage – So, I finally managed to get Firmin off my TBR shelf. Sam Savage is a very talented writer, but his book was not at all what I expected. I thought it would be Ratatouille with books, instead Firmin was – quite frankly – the most depressing creature on the planet.

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Up next from the TBR pile: