In this weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss what we’ve been reading this week (and, occasionally, what we haven’t).
Currently reading:
- Moloka’i by Alan Brennert – Was back in 2007, I read Wendy’s review (Musings of a Bookish Kitty) of this book and added it to my wishlist. In 2009, I stumbled upon it in a second-hand store. And now, four years later, I’ve finally started it! I’m only two chapters in but it is beautiful so far. I went to Hawaii over the Christmas holidays, so a lot of the areas Brennert describes are still fresh in my mind.
Finished this week:
- Beauty by Robin McKinley – Lovely book. Expect a review in the next few weeks.
- Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward – God, this was terrible. Epically terrible. I am starting to dread the rest of the series now…
- The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong – I read this one in a day and LOVED IT. It’s not quite as fantabulous as her Darkest Powers series, but it is still really really really amazing. And, GOD, I had some many questions by the end of it! I cannot believe we have to wait a whole year for the next book! Gahhh!
- Enclave by Ann Aguirre – One of my favourites this year. Absolutely loved this book!
- Blood Promise by Richelle Mead – Yet another great book by Richelle. I’m starting to think she can do no wrong.
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You had a great week! Beauty is one of my favorite McKinley’s. I reread it every now and again just because of the beautiful language. I have The Gathering on my stack too but have to wait until I get caught up with review books before I can get to it. My Monday report is here. Happy reading!
I’ve been reading Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series and am almost done. I need to pick up some of her other books now.
I’m so reading Enclave next. And can’t wait for your reviews of The Gathering and Beauty!
Wow look at the book covers! Have a fascinating week!
Woohoo awesome books! I love Richelle Mead’s, Vampire Academy series and Kelly Armstrong’s Darkest Powers and Women of the Otherworld series. I’m adding The Gathering to my wishlist. Have a great week and happy reading 🙂
I’m super excited to hear your thoughts on Moloka’i! This book is one of my favorite reads…it makes me want to reread it just thinking about it. Hope you enjoy 🙂
Moloka’i has been on my list to read for a while – I look forward to your review of it. And I feel inspired to go find it today!