Cover Alert! Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

My GOD, I know it has been an age and a half – but I have been hit by my annual case of reading slump.  Usually happens this time of year (seriously, it is clockwork – this must be my 5th annual reading slump?) as this is when I get back into the groove of studying – in this case, working!

Anyhow, I needed to share the awesome news I saw on twitter… the cover to Simone Elkeles’s third book in the Perfect Chemistry trilogy: CHAIN REACTION.

I really like it – albeit not as much as the covers for Rules of Attraction and Perfect Chemistry.  I have a feeling it is going to be quite a, er, steamy book… friggin awesome.  Anyhow, it will fit perfectly next to the two on my shelves!  Super exciting!

Chain Reaction will be out on May 24th, 2011…. So what do y’all think?

Cover Alert! New 2011 YA Cover Art

Here are a few new book covers that you may or may not have seen about the blogosphere – loads seem to have just come out, but these are the ones I have been waiting for!  Some aren’t that fantastic – actually, I’d say most are a bit bland – but what do y’all think?

Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson – May 5th 2011 by Orchard Books
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater – July 12th 2011 by Scholastic Press
Bite Club by Rachel Caine – April 2011 by Signet
Fins are Forever by Tera Lynn Childs – June 28th 2011 by Katherine Tegen Books
Defiance by Lili St. Crow – April 2011 by Penguin / Razorbill
Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder – UK Cover –  January 1st 2011 by Mira Books

Cover Alert! The Gathering (UK) by Kelley Armstrong

OMG there is a new cover for The Gathering!  Apparently the UK publishers, in their infinite wisdom (and no, I am not being a smart ass this time), decided to revamp the cover for Kelley Armstrong’s first book in her new YA trilogy Darkness Rising.  The US cover (which I flailed about here) was all well and good, but I think that this cover is just brilliant.



Isn’t it just lovely?  I think there might be a revamp of this version before it comes out, but I am extremely excited nonetheless! Kelley Armstrong wrote about the new UK covers on her Darkest Powers blog, and kindly put up a very high quality version of the cover.


So… what do you think!?

Cover Alert! Hexbound by Chloe Neill

Chloe Neill has just released the cover art for her next book in the Dark Elite YA Series, HEXBOUND.  I absolutely loved the first book in the series, FIRESPELL (read my fangirl!review).

Hexbound by Chloe Neill

Isn’t it stunning?  I love some of the little details – the key in the O, the elongated letters from the Firespell cover, the peek-a-boo hair… Absolutely brilliant.

Alas, Hexbound doesn’t come out until January 2011.  But if you haven’t read Firespell yet, get to it!

Cover Alert! TEAM UK

This week, the covers quite a few UK versions of upcoming books have been released.  Fortunately, none of them make me want to gauge my eyes out (I’m looking at you UK cover of Dark Life), which is always a plus.

Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson – May 18th (USA) – August 5th (UK)
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater – July 20th (USA) – July 5th (UK)
I thing we’ve moved from the Twilight-effect to the Linger-effect!  Which I am totally approving of.  Even though I love the US cover of Shiver, for some reason the black-and-white on the UK version emphasised the cold in the book.  Green is lovely and warm – but Shiver was all about the freezing weather…  As for Claire de Lune, I much prefer the UK cover and will likely wait for this edition to come out.  
Oh, and check out the release dates for Linger!  We (currently) are getting it 15 days early!
Firespell by Chloe Neill – Already out in the US! – June 17th (UK)
Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon – June 8th (USA) – June 10th (UK)
Both of these have revamped the US covers.  Not sure if they’ve improved on the original, but either way, they are still lovely. I am definitely getting the UK version of Firespell, as even though the covers are similar, the quality of the actual paperback is bound to be better than the flimsy US version.  *grumbles*  

Cover Alert! Ghost Town by Rachel Caine

I’ve just seen the cover art for the next-next (9th) Morganville Vampires book – and it is so gorgeous, I just had to share!  GHOST TOWN by Rachel Caine is going to be released in Hardcover in the US on November 2nd, 2010 – which is so exciting as I have been longing for hardcover versions of this series for a while! I will have to order it from there!

The fragile peace between humans and vampires in Morganville is in trouble, and when Claire takes drastic action, she’s put under serious pressure to re-establish the barriers that keep the town residents inside, and wipe the memories of those who leave. But working with her half-crazy vampire boss Myrnin means that things don’t always turn out as planned … and as the people of Morganville begin acting strangely, Claire and her friends must solve the mystery and try to put things right. But one by one, her allies are turning on her … even the ones she trusts most.

 *squee*  I can’t wait to see what the UK publishers come up with!

ETA:  Also, if you are a Rachel Caine fan living in the States, make sure to check out the Smart Chicks Kick It Tour – which features lots of AMAZING YA Paranormal authors who are visiting 12 US Cities in September.  I wish they could add London to their list, but alas.  Other authors on the tour include Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Holly Black, Cassandra Clare, Rachel Vincent, Sarah Rees Brennan, Becca Fitzpatrick, Melissa de la Cruz,  Carrie Ryan and more! Check out their Facebook page for more details!