In this weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss what we’ve been reading this week (and, occasionally, what we haven’t).

I’ve had rather limited reading time as of late… working, studying, travelling, etc. has meant I have had to deprive myself.  I plan on finishing Rivers of London this month, but then will have to take a bit of a reading hiatus – an unfortunate necessity, I’m afraid.

Currently reading:
  • Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch – Alas, this one has not lived up to the promise with which it began.  Still enjoying it, and will certainly get the sequel, but wish it were a wee bit better!
Finished this week:

  • Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik – I’m afraid this was not as great as the first book in the series.  I still enjoyed it, but the pacing was off and a few of the characters went a bit bonkers…
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