In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren (inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie) and explores the content of your mailbox.

So, this is a few weeks worth of books: a few fantastic weeks worth of books.  Let’s start off with the gem of the month:

THE A SONG OF FIRE AND ICE BOX SET by George R. R. Martin – Isn’t it lovely and shiny and brilliant?  I really really want to start reading this asap, but am also nervous to start it.  The Game of Thrones tv show was insanely addictive and I have a feeling the books will be just as good!


  • Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
  • Exile by Rebecca Lim – This was brilliant.  Brilliant, I say! Y’all need to read Mercy already!
  • Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins – I’ve wanted this for ages but never wanted to buy the UK paperback (as it is absolutely hideous).  So, now that the US paperback is out, I thought I’d get me one!
  • Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton – Bought this on the strength of Jenny’s review.  Hope it lives up to the hype!
  • Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini – I know everyone and their mother has been talking about this book, so I am mildly curious about it…
  • Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton – I bought this purely on the strength of Maggie Stiefvater’s blurb.  It had better be fantastic, as I’ve bought the hardcover.

Books for Review:
From Razor Bill:

From Chicken House:

From Hodder and Stoughton:

In short, I’ve gotten some FABULOUS books lately.  Can’t wait to read them all!

So, let me know what’s been in your mailbox!

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