I’ve got quite a few, rather specific, reading/blogging resolutions for 2013. I’ve read that specificity and planning are the keys to successful resolutions, so this year I’ve got some concrete plans.
1. Read My Favourites
It isn’t “normal” to hoard your favourite authors and then not read them: but then, I’ve never been accused of being normal!
Some of my favourite authors and series are sitting on my TBR pile – guaranteed good reads that I haven’t got to yet. This might seem mad to you, but I like to hoard books that I know I am going to like… problem is, sometimes I get to them and the magic has worn off (or I’ve forgotten the name of the main character). This year I won’t let that happen! Here’s a few that I will definitely be reading:

- Endgame by Ann Aguirre
- Fire by Kristin Cashore
- Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
- Blue-Blooded Vamp by Jaye Wells
- Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
- Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
2. Finish the sequels
2012 saw quite a few books started and then left unfinished, many of them sequels to series I’ve genuinely enjoyed in the past. The three below I put down for very good reasons at the time, but they are still haunting me… and I really want to move on and read their sequels:
- Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
- A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin
- The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien
3. Relax and enjoy whatever it is I’m reading… but remember the books!
I felt a wee-bit guilty about all the fanfic I read last year… but it was all so good. This year I am going to try not to feel guilty… while also picking up more books. I know the two can coexist – I’ve done it before!
4. Remember my challenges
I always go a bit challenge-mad at the end of the year… and then never complete them. While I am self-aware enough to know that probably won’t change, I want to try this year! Even if I don’t complete them, I would like to make some solid attempts. This year I’ve signed up to:
- NewAuthors Challenge
- The TBR Double Dog Dare (1 Jan. to 1 Apr.)
- The Feminist Reads Challenge
- Book to Movie Challenge
- YA Contemporary Challenge
and am keeping track of them all
5. Schedule posts
I am a chronic sufferer of bloggers block – it’s official. My plan for 2013: schedule posts when I am having a blogging-high so that I don’t feel too guilty during my blogger-slumps!
6. Make the move to WordPress
I’ve gotten rather fed up with blogger, especially since Google took it over. My experience with wordpress has, on the other hand, been nothing but brilliant. However, making the move will take time that I don’t currently have. Maybe this summer? Let’s hope!And… that’s all! I don’t think I’ve set the bar too high – most of these are things I’d like to do anyways. ♥
Kay's been blogging about urban fantasy, young adult and werewolves since 2009. She's a firm believer in the many uses of the towel, the science of deduction and other fandom in-jokes. To support her book-buying habit, Kay keeps up a day-job as a science journalist (so feel free to ask her about Physics).