Of Sherlockians and White-Collar Criminals – January Wind-up

In this month’s wind-up: Kim Newman steals the stage at the House of Commons (he get’s that from Moriarty’s side), Ally Carter reveals herself to be up to no good (but in a really good way), and George R. R. Martin continues to torture me (unsurprisingly).

The Reads

I started with my first Sarah Dessen book, Last Chance (review here), which was rather sweet and certainly left me wanting more from the author. I then started on Professor Moriarty: The Hound of the D’Urbervilles by Kim Newman. The book is basically a recount of the Sherlock Holmes cases from the point of view of his Sebastian Moran. Unfortunately I only read the first few stories in the book, as you really need to have a good knowledge of Doyle’s canon to appreciate them. As I have yet to finish all of the original stories – and didn’t want to encounter any spoilers! – I decided to put the book on hold. Shame, as I was really loving it! I also got a chance to meet the author this month (more below!).

Next up was A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin… which I still haven’t finished. But not for lack of trying, however. I am enjoying many of the narrators – but others just drag the book out like mad. But I did finish Season 2 of Game of Thrones this month so… that kinda counts, right?

As Clash of Kings took up so much of my reading time – despite not being finished – I only got two other books finished this month. First of these was Heist Society by Ally Carter – which was OMG amazing. Seriously, I absolutely adored this book. Next up was The Holders by Julianna Scott, which I had trouble getting into at first, but then absolutely flew through. Reviews for both of those books coming up soon.

The Events: The Stranger’s Room Repast

Earlier this month, my mother invited me along to a rather special literary dinner: The Sherlock Holmes Society of London‘s annual dinner in the House of Commons. It’s an annual tradition for the society and, every year, they invite a special guest to address the society. Past guests include Stephen Fry, Colin Dexter, Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, to name but a few! This year, author Kim Newman was invited.

Kim Newman was an absolute treat: he gave a very funny talk, spinning a tale about Moriarty and where he may well be now. It was so well thought out, and so well delivered, it made me want to finish his book! (Something I plan to do in parallel with reading the rest of ACD’s work.) Perhaps I should also pick up his Anno Dracula?The evening was a black tie event for members only and I expected great things. The preparation alone was great fun, and the dinner itself was everything it claimed to be: fantastic food in a stunning setting, rich in history, and a night of people speaking about literary characters.

Society member Calvert Markham also gave a fantastic toast in honour of Doctor Watson – I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. He is not a writer (to the best of my knowledge!) but he could sure spin a tale. He had the room hanging on his every word – it was one of the highlights of the evening!

In short, a great night – thank you mum!

The Blog

Highlights from the month:

The Challenges

Double Dog Dare: 2 books taken off my TBR pile.
New Authors: 3 new authors read.
Personal challenges: I’m still working on A Clash of Kings, dammit!

January TBR 2013

January TBR pile

This month, I have quite a few books I “have” to read – for blog tours and author meetings and whatnot:

  • Last Chance by Sarah Dessen – This book kicks off my YA Contemporary Challenge (though, being half way through it, I have noticed that the writing is a bit dated).
  • Professor Moriarty: The Hound of the D’Urbervilles by Kim Newman – I will be meeting Kim next weekend and really want to have read his book before I do.
  • The Holders by Julianna Scott (kindle) – I’ll be part of the blog tour for Julianna’s book next month, so need to read it ASAP!
  • A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin – I’ve decided to finally finish this mammoth book this month. I’ve read half of it, and plan to do a readalong-with-the-show in order to get through the second half.
  • The “maybe” book: Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead – Again I’m half way through this and really want it done with already!
And… that’s all! I’m not putting too many books on my reading pile, as I am swamped with work as is. If you’ve read any of these – or if you are really looking for a review for one – let me know!

Book Haul: October 2012

Another week, another book haul a-la In My Mailbox (The Story Siren) / Stacking the Shelves (Tynga’s Reviews) / Mailbox Monday. I got bought some great titles this week – including some that have been on my wishlist for quite a while…

October Book Haul 2012
  • Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link – I bought this short story collection for my Short Story Challenge.
  • The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman – Is it weird to be a fan of an author that I’ve never read? Because if it is, then I’m super weird ’cause I adore Neil and have never read a thing of his.
  • A Study in Sherlock (Anthology) and Professor Moriarty: The Hound of the D’Urbervilles by Kim Newman – Nothing beats a bit of Sherlock fanfiction.
  • Hounded by Kevin Hearne
  • Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King – I admit it: I only bought this because it had wolves on the cover. I thought, “Well, since I’ve always been meaning to try Stephen King, I might as well try this wolf-y one.” Also, short stories!
  • The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemesin – I have yet to read a bad review for this book, so I am rather excited to see what I think!
  • Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead  – I haven’t started Mead’s Dark Swan series yet (this is book 3) but I trust her enough to buy the books as I see them!
That’s all for this week! What did y’all find in your mailbox?