I love science fiction in any and every form. I am one of those people who used to schedule their lives around Star Trek’s airtime. I grew up on the Animorphs series and own all 55 books plus the extras. Give me aliens and give me glory.

That said, I don’t actually read that much sci-fi! And ya know what? That kinda sucks. So I’ve signed up for the 2012 Sci-Fi Challenge over at Curiosity Killed the Bookworm. The challenge only requires you to read one sci-fi novel a month, but I am going to try to read 20 Science Fiction novels this year.

Oh, I should also mention that the challenge includes an optional monthly book club. I’ll be taking part in these whenever I can!

So here’s what I’ve read so far (I will keep track as I go along):

  1. Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre
  2. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
  3. Killbox by Ann Aguirre
  4. Aftermath by Ann Aguirre
  5. Breathe by Sarah Crossan
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