Deal Alert! Bookdepository half-price sale

Book Depository Bargain


The bookdepository is after your money once again! They’ve got a great sale going on at the moment with a lot of Young Adult and Science Fiction/Fantasy titles 50% off. Add to that FREE worldwide shipping and super fast delivery? Well, I can’t hand over my credit card quick enough. 🙂

If you’ve been wondering about Rachel Caine’s Morganville Series, this is a good time to give them a go! Much of the series is marked down, including the first book Glass Houses. In fact, there seems to be a lot of Rachel Caine on sale… I’m not going to question why and will just say: go buy them all!

(Just for the sake of clarity: I am NOT in any way associated with Bookdepository or Amazon. I’m getting no kick-back, just wanted to let y’all know about a good opportunity!)

Kindle Deals: 10 great YA books under £1!

Deals and Freebies

While surfing, I couldn’t help but notice a whole host of YA novels going for super cheap prices. Not sure what is going on, but I fully approve! So, here are some picks from the pile I think you should all consider getting (Raised by Wolves and Strange Angels are a must if you haven’t read them). And no, for the record, I am not an amazon associate. 🙂


Pantomine by Laura Lim Undone by Cat Clarke

Pantomime by Laura Lim – £0.99

Undone by Cat Clarke – £0.56

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout Torn by Cat Clarke

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout – £0.99

Torn by Cat Clarke – £0.56

Entangled by Cat Clarke Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Entangled by Cat Clarke – £0.46

Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes – £0.56

Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow Endurance by Ann Aguirre

Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow – £0.56

Endurance by Ann Aguirre (Novella) – £0.38

Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick – £0.56

Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes – £0.56

Happy shopping!

Flash Sale at BetterWorldBooks!

Deals and FreebiesA few months ago, I wrote a lengthy post raving about an online bookseller. It was called, rather appropriately, A BetterWorldBooks Haul/Love letter*. To recap all the squeeing, BetterWorldBooks:

  • Offer Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Support Global Literacy Campaigns
  • Rescue books from landfills
  • Provide good quality books for great prices

Also, for us not living in the US, BetterWorldBooks provides another way to access a lot of US-only titles and hardback editions – instead of worrying about VAT at BookDepository and wondering whether the book you’re buying is really worth the £18 it’s going to set you back, get it at a low price and get the good karma along with it.

A lot of people commented about how they wanted to give the site a shot but were waiting for the right time… well, here it is!

Better World Books Sale

To celebrate Earth Day, BetterWorldBooks are offering 25% when you buy 7+ Used books! I can’t honestly think of a better way to celebrate than with a bit of paperback recycling.

Only thing: you only have 20 hours left to get your shopping done. So get cracking!

* For the record, I am in no way affiliated with BetterWorldBooks. I came to think they were awesome all on my own.

Kindle deals: Here’s what you should get…

Deals and Freebies

Amazon UK is hosting a Kindle Reading Marathon. And it? Is awesome. First off, they are selling dozens (hundreds?) of books for 99p. Second, they are giving out gift certificates when you spend money. Take a look:

So, if you buy 21 books at 99p each, Amazon will give you a gift certificate for £5. And hell, if you don’t feel like buying that many books, they are still ludicrously inexpensive!

I took a look at what they have on offer, and here are a few that caught my eye. Links under the images will take you straight to Amazon:

a.k.a. “Sea Change” – I reviewed this one a while back (read here) and really enjoyed it! Would certainly recommend you get a copy!!
Marr is a guaranteed good read.
I got this one for review a while back and have been desperate to start it – readalong, anybody?
This is on my TBR pile of doom, but have heard good things about it.
I read this years ago but wasn’t a big fan – a lot of people love it, though, so you might want to try it out.
I reviewed this one last year (read here) and really enjoyed Ben’s depiction of London.
This is on my TBR pile of doom – I met Joe at Eastercon this year, and the man is hysterical and just… smart. If the books are even a fraction like him, they will be amazing.
FYI: I am not an Amazon Associate and am not earning a penny from this promotion. I just think news about good books at good prices should be shared!
Happy reading everyone!

E-book exclusives you need to get!

Deals and Freebies

I’ve recently joined the 21st century and bought myself a Kindle (read this post to find out why I finally gave in). It seems I’ve joined the club just in time to take advantage of some fantastic digital exclusives!

Here are a few short stories and anthologies that are only available as e-books – you’ll recognise the authors as some of the very best in YA fiction. They are absolute musts for fans, even those of you who don’t have an e-book reader should consider getting them!

Hana by Lauren Oliver

UK readers / US readers

This short story takes place in the Delirium verse, and tells the tale of Lena’s best-friend Hana. According to the publishers, “there’s a shocking twist to her tale that will leave you with your heart in your mouth”. Sounds good to me! I’ve already got it on my Kindle and cannot wait to get to it!

Hana is only available in eBook and, for a limited time only, is just 99p! You can also make a really neat Lauren Oliver themed Christmas decoration that uses text from Hana. Check it out here!

Darkest Powers Bonus Pack by Kelley Armstrong

UK readers / US readers

Kelley is a fan’s dream author. Why? Because she just keeps on giving! She’s released three online novellas set in her Darkest Powers verse, and is currently in the process of writing a fourth (read it here). Unfortunately, these stories have just become non-free – but all three are available for your Kindle for just 72p! They are fantastic and well worth it – I’ve bought them even though I had downloaded the free pdf versions! Read my reviews of two of the stories: Divided and Dangerous.

The First Time Anthology edited by Jessica Verday

UK readers / US Readers: B&NAmazon

The First Time Anthology is solely available as an e-book, but features a tonne of YA authors you’ll recognise from printed works, including: Cyn Balog, Teri Hall, Heidi R. Kling, Saundra Mitchell, Jackson Pearce, Carrie Ryan, Kristina Springer, and Jessica Verday. In 25 stories, the authors explore firsts: first loves, first kisses, first zombie slayings, etc.

I’ll admit that I am not quite running out to get this anthology, mostly because I already have so many anthologies I need to get to! Still, it sounds fab.