Deals and FreebiesA few months ago, I wrote a lengthy post raving about an online bookseller. It was called, rather appropriately, A BetterWorldBooks Haul/Love letter*. To recap all the squeeing, BetterWorldBooks:

  • Offer Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Support Global Literacy Campaigns
  • Rescue books from landfills
  • Provide good quality books for great prices

Also, for us not living in the US, BetterWorldBooks provides another way to access a lot of US-only titles and hardback editions – instead of worrying about VAT at BookDepository and wondering whether the book you’re buying is really worth the £18 it’s going to set you back, get it at a low price and get the good karma along with it.

A lot of people commented about how they wanted to give the site a shot but were waiting for the right time… well, here it is!

Better World Books Sale

To celebrate Earth Day, BetterWorldBooks are offering 25% when you buy 7+ Used books! I can’t honestly think of a better way to celebrate than with a bit of paperback recycling.

Only thing: you only have 20 hours left to get your shopping done. So get cracking!

* For the record, I am in no way affiliated with BetterWorldBooks. I came to think they were awesome all on my own.

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