monday reading

It’s Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss our week of reading!

Currently Reading:

  • Night Shift by Lilith Saintcrow – I loved Lili’s YA series (Strange Angels) and have so far really enjoyed this first book in her adult series.  The main character is just as touch-as-nails as Dru.
  • Mercy by Rebecca Lim – Not sure I will be finishing this any time soon.  If I hadn’t gotten it for review, I might have given up by now.  Perhaps it will improve with time?

Finished this week:

  • Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott – Finished this in one long sitting.  I just couldn’t put it down!  This book was a lot darker/more intense than I expected (from the cover it looked rather like chick-lit YA) and I adored the unexpected depth in all the characters.  Can’t wait to review this one.
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