In this weekly event hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books where we discuss what we’ve been reading this week (and, occasionally, what we haven’t).
As I’ve only just returned from a long international trip, my reading schedule has been in a bit of disarray. I have not kept up with my Deal me in! challenge and so have a fair amount of short story reading to catch up on. Book-wise, I’m also a bit behind (at least, according to Goodreads).
That being said, I have been reading! Here’s what I’ve recently finished:
- The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling – Started this collection of stories with my Deal me in! challenge, and decided to keep on reading on! Some of the tales I absolutely adored, but others I found rather… indicative of the time, shall we say.
- One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean – This was a fun book, but the premise was all kinds of unbelievable. I managed to suspend that disbelief for the first, oh, 300 pages? But it got to be a bit much by the end.
Currently Reading:
- The Boy with the Porcelain Blade by Den Patrick – I am only 23 pages into this, so it is still far too soon to judge! The only think I can say for certain? Patrick sure likes to describe clothing.
Deal Me In! update: Weeks 7-12
Since my last update, I’ve been drawing cards a plenty – but not always reading the books! Here’s what I’ve drawn and what I’ve read (in bold):
- Week 7: Ace ♣ – IV League by Margaret Stohl
- Week 8: Queen ♦ – Shoulders of giants by Robert J. Sawyer
- Week 9: Eight ♥ – Mowgli’s Brothers by Rudyard Kipling
- Week 10: King ♣ – Red Run by Kami Garcia
- Week 11: Nine ♠ – The Adventure of the Speckled Band by ACD
- Week 12 (this week): Four ♥ – Thistle & Thorne by Ann Aguirre
- Top 10 Books of 2015 - January 6, 2016
- Image comic-book-buying madness - December 3, 2015
- Review: Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews - November 22, 2015
I’ve never read Jungle Book before but would love to. It seems my list of classics I want to read just keeps growing – too many books and too little reading time!
Enjoy your books this week –
Book By Book
Sue at Book By Book recently posted…It’s Monday 3/16! What Are You Reading?
I am REALLY glad I finally read it. I don’t read classics that often, honestly – but The Jungle Book made me remember that they are called “classic” for a reason! Wonderful, wonderful stories 🙂
Kay recently posted…Monday Reading (March 16th, 2015)